Stated Meeting: Second Wednesday of Every Month. Dinner at 6:00pm and Meeting at 7:00pm
High Twelve (ROMEO): Every Friday from 9:00am to 11:30am. Everybody is welcome!
Stated Meetings
January 6th
Escurial No. 7 (1st Saturday) Breakfast at 9:00am, Stated 10:00am at 164 C St. Virginia City, NV 89940
January 9th
Myrtle Chapter No. 12 Order of Eastern Star (2nd and 4th Tuesday) at 7:30 pm at 39 S. Maine St., Fallon, NV 89406
January 10th *Canceled*
Douglas No. 12 (2nd Wednesday) Dinner 6:00pm, Stated 7:00pm at 2286Main Street, Genoa, NV 89411.
January 11th
Hope No. 22 (2nd Thursday) Dinner 6:30pm, Stated 7:30pm at 44 N Main St, Yerrington, NV 89447
January 11th
Fernley No. 34 (2nd Thursday) Dinner 6:00pm, Stated 7:00pm at 40 East St, Fernley, NV 89408
January 13th
Guardian No. 53 (2nd Saturday) Stated 1:00pm at 39 S. Maine St., Fallon, NV 89406
January 16th
Carson Valley No. 33 (3rd Tuesday) Dinner 6:00pm Stated7:00pm at 1419 Hwy 395, Gardnerville, NV 89410
January 18th
Carson No. 1 (3rd Thursday) Dinner 6:00pm, Stated 7:00pm at 113 E Washington St, Carson City, NV 89701
January 18th
Esther Chapter No. 3 Order of Eastern Star (1st and 3rd Tuesday) at 7:00pm at 113 E Washington St, Carson City, NV 89701
January 23rd
Myrtle Chapter No. 12 Order of Eastern Star (2nd and 4th Tuesday) at 7:30 pm at 39 S. Maine St., Fallon, NV 89406
January 24th
Kerak Shrine (4th Wednesday) (3rd Wednesday in November and December) Dinner 6:00pm Stated 7:00pm at 4935 Energy Way, Reno, NV 89502
February 1st
Amity No. 4 (1st Thursday) Dinner 6:00pm, Stated 7:00pm at 175 Main Street Silver City NV 89428
February 1st
Churchill Lodge No. 26 (1st Thursday) Stated 7:00pm at 39 S. Maine St., Fallon, NV 89406
February 6th
Esther Chapter No. 3 Order of Eastern Star (1st and 3rd Tuesday) at 7:00pm at 113 E Washington St, Carson City, NV 89701
February 7th
York Rite Bodies of Carson City (1st Wednesday), meeting at Carson Lodge No. 1 at 7:00pm.
Every Tuesday
Carson Valley Lodge No. 33 Lodge of Instruction. Practice proficiencies, degree parts or just come to fellowship. Lodge opens at 6:00pm. Only exception is stated meeting night on the 3rd Tuesday.
Every Wednesday
Churchill Lodge No. 26 Morning Coffee and Fellowship. 9:00am to 12:00pm.
Every Wednesday
Masonic Breakfast at 8:00am at Woodette’s Diner, 1492 US Hwy 395 North, Gardnerville, NV. The Diner is owned by Brother Ramon Zamalis and all are welcome.
Every Friday
High Twelve (ROMEO) Club at Douglas Lodge No. 12. Coffee and donuts at 8:30am and buffet lunch at 11:00am. All Masons are welcome!
Every 1st and 3rd Saturday
Churchill Lodge No. 26 Breakfast at 8:00am. All are welcome!
Every 2nd Saturday
Fernley Lodge No. 34 Breakfast at 8:00am at the Lodge.
Saturday, January 13th
Escurial Lodge No. 7 Master Mason Degree Brother Jeff Johns at 10:00am. Practice immediately following the January 6th Stated Meeting and another at 6:00 PM on Wednesday the 10th.
Tuesday, January 23rd
Carson Valley Lodge No. 33 Master Mason Degree for Brother Remon Zamalis at 6:00pm. Dinner will be served between sections.
Saturday, January 27th
Escurial Lodge No. 7 Fellow Craft Degree for B. Justin Watkins at 10:00 am.
To submit items for this please contact Michael E. Chapton, PM at (775) 392-3102 or
Masonic Education
A Brother Asks: Are you a Freemason or a Mason?
A Brother Asks: Are you a Freemason or a Mason?
COACH: Let me both answer your question and also bring some clarification to the terms for anyone who might be reading this.
FREEMASONRY - I am a "member" in good standing of quite a few of the many recognized organizations known worldwide as "The Free & Accepted Masons". I have done what was required (EA/FC/MM "proficiencies" - which amount to a bunch of memorization) by my jurisdiction to earn the title "MM" and I pay my "dues" as needed. There is absolutely nothing else that is required of me as a Freemason and no further actions, other than remaining moral, ethical, and legal in the eyes of all concerned. That makes me a "Freemason".
MASONRY - I am also one of a few members who actually applies, as in "does the Work" that Ritual points toward. That means ...
1. Bringing order to the chaos of my heart (EA Work), my mind (FC Work), & my spirit (MM Work),
2. Completing the temple (EA & FC Work), and 3. Studying the great books of nature and revelation to continue in my never ending efforts ...
4. TO BUILD a spiritual building, agreeable to God's designs (MM Work).
These Work efforts and these Work efforts alone make me a "mason." There is no being a mason without doing this Work! It is the Work pointed toward by Ritual that makes one a mason! And before you object by saying that it is our obligation that makes us a mason, keep in mind that it is HONORING our obligation that makes us masons, this means effectively doing the work listed in items 1 through 4! As you might have gathered, being a mason is not some, "just say something that we ask you to say that implies a promise that requires no further actions on your part" kind of deal. So, you can call yourself anything you want to call yourself. Any label will suffice since it's just a label. But until you engage in the process of Working upon your heart, head, and spirit, you're just a substitute for the real thing. Nothing but engaging in that Work will make you the real thing.
It is most unfortunately, that some members and some jurisdictional bodies use the two terms interchangeably. They have failed to learn the lessons espoused by the first 8 steps of the FC staircase lecture. It is in these steps and their review that drives home the important lesson that we must learn to differentiate and linguistically discriminate between the general and the specific. It is in these lessons we are given examples of steps versus how each step is distinguished and thus differentiated from another. Moreover, we learn that senses and columns can be distinguished from one another by using words to describe their differences. Furthermore, the very pass itself points to this truth!
I, and quite a few of my Brothers, try extremely hard not to confuse the two terms since doing so gives others and ourselves false impressions as to what one is truly doing with their involvements in either Freemasonry or Masonry.
That's how I and many other of my Brothers see it. Your mileage may vary.
(Hat tip to Bro. Poncho Scott Harvey!)
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